Node-Parallel-HTTP Build Status

Node-Parallel-HTTP is a JavaScript lib for make lot of different request simultaneously. It can use HTTP, HTTPS. It works with socks5 proxy for, example, use TOR NETWORK. You can use it for retrieving lots of data on the internet. Or for realizes some bruteforce.

It's easy to use !

You can easily customize which website you want to visit and how to process these pages !


Getting started

var parallelHttp = require('node-parallel-http');

function getInfos(numeroCrawler,cb) {

   var sites = [{        
         url: '',  

    var infos = {
        numeroCrawler : numeroCrawler

    cb(null, infos);

function processPage(page, info, cb) {
    cb(null, info);



You will can install node-parallel-http with npm:

npm install node-parallel-http --save

Now you can start to have parallel request .

Gulp Tasks


Simple exemple

This is a simple exemple

Simple exemple multi-page

This is a simple exemple

Simple bruteForce

This is a simple bruteForce

Simple use of TorNetwork

This is a simple use of TorNework


Node-Parallel-HTTP is an Open Source project that started in Lyon, French. Anybody in the world is welcome to contribute to the development of the project.

If you want to contribute feel free to send PR's, just make sure to run the default gulp task before submiting it. This way you'll run all the test specs and build the web distribution files.
